Shangrila Soy Sauce 275ML
Shangrila Soy Sauce (275ml) is a versatile condiment that adds a rich, savory flavor to your favorite dishes. Made with high-quality ingredients and following traditional recipes, this soy sauce boasts a perfect balance of saltiness and umami, enhancing the taste of stir-fries, marinades, soups, and dipping sauces. Its smooth texture and bold flavor make it an essential ingredient for Asian-inspired cooking and everyday meals.
Packaged in a convenient 275ml bottle, Shangrila Soy Sauce is ideal for both home cooks and professional chefs. Widely available in supermarkets across the UAE, it is a product of Pakistan, delivering authentic taste and quality to your kitchen. Whether you’re preparing a quick stir-fry or marinating meats, this soy sauce is your go-to for adding depth and flavor to any dish.
Brand Bake Parlor
Weight 250 Grams
Package weight0.26 Kilograms
More From: Shangrila
Shangrila Soy Sauce (275ml) is a versatile condiment that adds a rich, savory flavor to your favorite dishes. Made with high-quality ingredients and following traditional recipes, this soy sauce boasts a perfect balance of saltiness and umami, enhancing the taste of stir-fries, marinades, soups, and dipping sauces. Its smooth texture and bold flavor make it an essential ingredient for Asian-inspired cooking and everyday meals.
Packaged in a convenient 275ml bottle, Shangrila Soy Sauce is ideal for both home cooks and professional chefs. Widely available in supermarkets across the UAE, it is a product of Pakistan, delivering authentic taste and quality to your kitchen. Whether you’re preparing a quick stir-fry or marinating meats, this soy sauce is your go-to for adding depth and flavor to any dish.